Age Transition Messages

By itself this mod does nothing that affects the game. What it does is modify the Age Controller to broadcast three messages as Sims age. These messages can then be detected by other objects (typically controllers) and acted upon accordingly.

Message 0x000E 'Aged One Day' is sent everytime a Sim gets one day older.

Message 0x000F 'Life Stage Change' is sent just after a Sim has changed life stage, eg Toddler to Child, Adult to Elder, etc. When this message is received the Sim will be in their new life stage, eg, for Toddler to Child the Sim will be a child.

Message 0x0010 'Pre Life Stage Change' is sent just before a Sim changes life stage, eg Toddler to Child, Adult to Elder, etc. When this message is received the Sim will be in their current life stage, eg, for Toddler to Child the Sim will be a toddler.


BCON 0x100E controls which notifications - teen uni, 2-days and 1-day - are sent.

Techy Stuff

This mod inserts three message (0x0077) primitives into two BHAVs. The following notes are for other modders wishing to add these messages into their own mods of these BHAVs.

For BHAV "Sub - Age Days Left - Text Notification Barrage", the Message primitive is the very first line of code.

The op codes can be set by pasting 020E000700000000000A0000131F0007 into SimPe's Instruction Wizard (the small button with a " sign).

For BHAV "Age Transition", two Message primitives are added.

The first Message primitive is just before the BHAV exits and is hooked from TWO Manage Inventory (0x0033) primitives.

The op codes can be set by pasting 020F00070000000000030B00121F0007 into SimPe's Instruction Wizard (the small button with a " sign).

The second Message primitive is just before the "Age - Get in Temp 0 - Age of Param 0" global call.

The op codes can be set by pasting 021000070000000000030B00121F0007 into SimPe's Instruction Wizard (the small button with a " sign).


The mod changes two BHAVs (0x1009 'Age Transition' and 0x1049 'Sub - Age Days Left - Text Notification Barrage') and adds one BCON (0x100E 'Tuning - Notification Suppression') in the 'Controller - Age' (0x7F07FBBC) group, so will conflict with any mod that does the same.


The mod requires InTeen Check 2.

For notes on how to send and receive messages, see Primitive 0x0077 - Message.

Simblr Links


  • The developers of SimPE.


Other mod's Age Transition BHAVs edited to include the Message primitives - these must load AFTER the WH_Broadcaster_Ageing.package file and the associated 3rd party mod(s). You WILL need to rename it!!!