Directory Enquiries By Phone

This mod permits Sims to add any Sim as known (and hence callable) by phone. No longer does your Sim need to have a pile of telephone directories cluttering up their hall table.

There are three sub-call options "All", "Locals" and "Family". "All" populates the directory with every unknown Sim - NPC's, townies, dormies, vacation locals, et al. "Locals" populates the directory with Sims that have a valid house number (so should only include playables). "Family" populates the directory with blood relatives of the calling Sim and their partner.

The mod requires a global hack to BHAV 0x2050 "Call - Build Menu" in the PhoneCallsGlobal (0x7FB208FA) group to permit custom calls to be added to phones. This hack is generic and will pick up any custom call objects (those with category 0x91) with a sub-category in the range 0xDC to 0xFF inclusive. PhoneCall_DirectoryEnquiries uses sub-category 0xDE - for obvious reasons!

Configuration - BCONs

Configuration is done via a BCON.

BCON 0x1000 - Configuration

Only one value should be changed

  • 0x02: Require phone? Set to 1 to only add Sims to the directory list that have access to a phone (mobile or house phone).


Copy the WH_PhoneCall_DirectoryEnquiries.package file and the three WH_PhoneCall_DirectoryEnquiries_Xyz.package files into your downloads directory.

Copy the WH_PhoneCall_GlobalsFix.package file into your downloads directory, unless using another mod that adds phone calls by a similiar method.


Delete the four WH_PhoneCall_DirectoryEnquiries package files from your downloads directory.

Package Dependencies

WH_PhoneCall_DirectoryEnquiries_Xyz.package files depend on the WH_PhoneCall_DirectoryEnquiries.package files, do NOT delete the latter without also deleting the former. WH_PhoneCall_GlobalsFix.package is standalone and can be deleted if no longer required.

Conflicts - General

Will conflict with any mod that alters the "Call - Build Menu" BHAV (0x2050) in the PhoneCallsGlobal (0x7FB208FA) group

No known conflicts.

Conflicts - New Objects

All four objects "Phone Call - Directory Enquiries", "Phone Call - Directory Enquiries - All", "Phone Call - Directory Enquiries - Locals" and "Phone Call - Directory Enquiries - Family" have their own GUIDs from my block, so will NOT conflict with any other objects.

Simblr Links


  • The developers of SimPE.
