Newspaper & Computer Job Summary

When looking for a job, my Sim's are usually looking for a specific one (for a LTW or to fulfill a want) or the highest paid job that starts today. These mods make it easier to meet those goals.

Displays a dialog listing the careers that jobs are available for today, before displaying the details of each job, with a Quit button to terminate the search if nothing suitable is available.

Changes the "No more jobs" dialog to enable returning to the first job and loop through the selection process again to get that "best" job.


Newspaper Job Summary: Changes four BHAVs (0x100A 'Read', 0x100D 'offer job', 0x1040 'offer teen/elder job' and 0x1048 'Offer Pet Job', ) and one STR# (0x012D 'Dialog prim string set') in the Newspaper object (group 0x7F08E23C), so will conflict with any mod that does the same.

No known conflicts.

Computer Job Summary: Changes two BHAVs (0x200B 'Interaction - Find A Job' and 0x2088 'Interaction - Find Pet Job', ) and one STR# (0x012D 'Dialog prim string set') in the Computer globals (group 0x7F441294), so will conflict with any mod that does the same.

Known to conflict with Lamare's 'Job options mod set', make sure this mod loads after their's.

Known to conflict with Meduza's 'Even more computer options', make sure this mod loads after their's.

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  • Bulbizarre for the idea.
  • KoKo and Bratty for string conflicts.
  • KoKo and kaligi for German and Hungarian translations.
  • The developers of SimPE.
