Joinable Activity Table

Makes the Build and Draw actions on the activity table joinable and usable by visitors.

A toddler/child being asked to join will start the same activity as the child/toddler doing the asking.


Modifies BHAVs 0x1018 "Interaction - Play with Blocks - TEST" and 0x1019 "Interaction - Draw - TEST", and STR# 0x012E "MakeActionString prim string set", and TTAB TTAB 0x0001, and adds BHAVs 0x1040 "Join - Anyone Playing With Blocks?" and 0x1041 "Join - Anyone Drawing?" in group 0x7F17DDAB (Activity Table) so will conflict with any mod that does the same.

Known to conflict with Sunrader Sims Visitor Enabled Activity Table.

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  • The developers of SimPE.
