More Special Collection Souvenirs

Increases the number of vacation souvenirs and mementos that count towards the special collections when placed on the "ShowMeOff Rack of Glory" shelf unit. Additions include the secret lot maps, items looted from the pirate ship, and, if installed, vacation postcards.

See also Vacation Mementos On Shelves


Extra objects can be added to those that contribute to the special collections by adding to the 0x1003, 0x1004 and 0x1005 BCONs - see the existing entries for guidance. Note that the very last entry in each BCON must be 0xFFFF


Changes two BHAVs - 0x1000 "Function - Main" and 0x100C "View -Count Items on Shelf" - and adds three BCONs (0x1003/4/5) in the "ShowMeOff Rack of Glory" object (group 0x7F7DBCD3), so will conflict with any mod that does the same.

No known conflicts

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