Relax Undressed

Changes the "Relax" option on beds to have four sub-options - "Relax", "In PJs", "In Underwear" and "Naked".

Upon arrival at the head of the bed the Sim will spin into the selected outfit (PJs, Underwear or Naked) or remain in what they are currently wearing (Relax) and then relax upon the bed.

If another Sim is either directed to "Join" or "Ask to Join" the relaxing Sim, after arriving at the bed they will also spin and change clothes to match the relaxing Sim.

There are some restrictions

  • Sims relaxing autonomously will always remain in whatever they are wearing.
  • Children only have the "Relax" and "In PJs" relax options.
  • Children will not join if the relaxing Sim is in underwear or naked.
  • Family members will not join if the relaxing Sim is in underwear or naked.
  • Other Sims will only join a relaxing Sim in underwear or naked if they are attracted to them.
  • Shy Sims joining a relaxing naked Sim will change into their underwear, or PJs if the relaxing Sim is in their undies.
  • Sims not in their own home (eg asked over for a date) will change into their underwear instead of PJs.

Also changes the "Sleep ..." options on beds to a single option with three sub-options - "In PJs", "In Underwear" and "Naked".

Directed children will only have a "Sleep" option and will always sleep in PJs. Sims sleeping autonomously will always sleep in PJs.

The "Naked" options can be disabled by installing the "WH_RelaxUndressed_NoNakedOptions.package" file.


Makes the following changes/additions to the "BedGlobals" (group 0x7F4437F2) so will conflict with any other mod that does the same.

  • Changes STR# 0x012E "MakeActionString prim string set"
  • Changes CHAV 0x2001 "Interaction - Sleep - User Directed - TEST"
  • Changes BHAV 0x2034 "Interaction - Relax - TEST"
  • Changes BHAV 0x2035 "Interaction - Relax"
  • Adds BHAVs 0x2167 to 0x216C

Known to conflict with "InTeenimater_B.package" and "CBOY_nudist.package", so must load AFTER them.

Known to conflict with TwoJeffs' "Smart Beds" - I will not be making a compatibility patch for this.

Known to conflict with Lord Darcy's 'Pie Menu Text Strings Fix', (STR# 0x012E in group 0x7F4437F2), either have my mod load after their's (which will delete their changes), or append the extra strings from my mod (entries 0x0018 onwards) onto their's.

Known to conflict with Simler90's "Sleep, Bed and Seating Mods" - I will not be making a compatibility patch for this.

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  • The developers of SimPE.

