Gain Skills Whilst Playing

Sims gain skills whilst playing games - Red Hands, Mary Mack, Punch-U, Water Balloon Fight, etc.

Skill and rate of gain are all configurable via BCONs.


Via BCONs 0x100E and 0x200E, see the name of each BCON for the associated game.

For two player games, different skills/rates can be set for each player, while for group games the skill/rate applies to all players.

Skill values are taken from BCON 0x011B, but the most common values are 0x11 for Body, 0x0B for Charisma and 0x12 for Logic. A value of 0x00 disables skill gain.

Standard rates of gain are 40 (very slow), 70 (slow), 100 (normal), 170 (fast) and 250 (very fast), but any value greater than 30 can be used.

Default Configuration

Out-of-the-box, this mod adds Charisma gain to Mary Mack and Show Off (child only), Logic gain to Red Hands and Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Body gain to Cops N Robbers, Kicky Bag, Pillow Fight, Play Catch, Punch U, Snowball Fight, Swing Around (swinger only) Tag, Toss Football and Water Balloon Fight.


Modifies BHAVs from, and adds BCONs to, from many objects and semi-globals, so use HCDU Plus to check for conflicts.

No known conflicts.

Simblr Links


  • A suggestion from kufromdn via my Simblr.
  • The developers of SimPE.
