A Disposable Object

A generic object that can be disposed of. Extracted from the "Box of Preventatives" mod, tidied up, and then used as the basis for the "Dispose Junk Food Together" and "Dispose Newspapers Together" mods.

When disposed of, the Sim will walk to the object, pick it up and place it in a bin bag. If there are any other disposable objects near by (configured in BCON) those will be added to the bin bag, before the bin bag is disposed off in the nearest waste bin.

The object can be set to go dirty after X hours, dirty objects will be disposed of by maids, etc


When changing the model (cres resource), you will need to add the slot_fx_0 transform node to the new cres for the smell to originate from.

Do not remove the object you're interacting with - place it out of world and delete it at the end.


Download DisposableObject.zip