Go To Routing Slot - Event Trees

Whilst writing my last mod, I discovered that primitive 0x002D "Go To Routing Slot" supports event trees. An example can be found in BHAV "Route - To Ped Portal" (part of "Controller - Hiking").

The event tree is triggered when the Sim arrives at the destination, so the same effect can be achieved placing the code from the event tree immediately after the primitive, it is therefore unclear as to how much use this feature is.

To configure the event tree, set bit 5 of operand 4 (blue box) and specify the BHAV to trigger with operands 8 thru 10. Op 8 (magenta box) is the scope (0=global, 1=semi-global, 2=private) while ops 9 and 10 (red box) give the BHAV to trigger (in lo/hi order).

The example above calls the private BHAV 0x102E

NOTE: The SimPe wizard for this primitive is broken in that it changes the value of op 2 as it opens.

Hope these notes are of use to someone. Enjoy!