Modifying Social interaction Requirements

"Is it possible to change the STR/LTR requirements for Slow Dance so it's not a romance interaction?"

Short answer: Yes

Longer answer: Not without overriding almost every other social interaction's requirements, thereby making it impossible to "pick'n'mix" mods!"

Maxis, in their infinite wisdom, put all the requirements for social interactions into one massive BCON! Why they didn't use RTBN callbacks ("CT - Xyz" style BHAVs) or even just use a common instance local BCON in each social object we will never know.

Almost all requirements for two Sims to perform a social interaction (appreciate, ask, flirt, entertain, dance, fight, hug, irritate, kiss, play, prank, talk, etc) are coded into global BCON 0x0100 "Global Social Constants" in groups of 14 values.

  • 0 - Allow NPC? - Set to 1 to allow autonomously acting Sims to perform action on an NPC
  • 1 - MIN STR - Minimum STR for each Sim to the other to perform action
  • 2 - MAX STR - Maximum STR for each Sim to the other to perform action
  • 3 - MIN LTR - Minimum LTR for each Sim to the other to perform action
  • 4 - MAX LTR - Maximum LTR for each Sim to the other to perform action
  • 5 - MIN AGE - Minimum age (inclusive) for either Sim to perform action
  • 6 - MAX AGE - Maximum age (inclusive) for either Sim to perform action
  • 7 - Allow Like AGE? - If set to 1, Sims must be the same age group (young adults, adults and elders treated as one group)
  • 8 - Attraction Modified? - Set to 1 to have chemistry between the Sims modify their actual STR/LTR scores
  • 9 - Lecher Modified? - Set to 1 to permit college profs to ignore the STR/LTR rules
  • A - Gender Preference Test? - Set to 1 to require the target Sim to meet the actioning Sim's gender preference
  • B - Disallow Family - Set to 1 to disallow "romantic" interactions between related Sims
  • C - Valid EPS - Set of bit flags specifying which EPs (if any) are required
  • D - And1/Or0 LTR/STR - Set to 1 to require BOTH STR and LTR requiremets to be met

Any additional requirements will usually be coded in the BHAV named "Social - {action] - TEST"

Hope these notes are of use to someone. Enjoy!