Privacy Policy

The Pick'N'Mix Mods for Civ:BE web-site is sensitive to the privacy of users, and does NOT collect ANY personal information about visitors.

Cookie Information

The Pick'N'Mix Mods for Civ:BE web-site does not currently ask for your permission before sending you cookies but instead provides the information below, prominently linked to from every page on the site, so as to gain your 'informed consent' to use them.

Cookie Usage

The Pick'N'Mix Mods for Civ:BE web-site uses a single persisent cookie (called 'pnm_categories' with a duration of 7 days) to record your open/closed preferences for each category.

The Pick'N'Mix Mods for Civ:BE web-site does NOT carry advertising from ad. networks so you will not receive any 'behavioural retargeting' cookies that can have a nasty habit of tracking you as you surf the web and show you ads related to sites you've just visited. It is this kind of annoying behaviour that the regulations are trying to control.

More Information/Opt-out

If you don't want to receive cookies when using the Pick'N'Mix Mods for Civ:BE web-site, please either visit All About Cookies to find out how to prevent your browser from accepting cookies, or do not use the Pick'N'Mix Mods for Civ:BE web-site.